Millipedes. Yuck! I killed another one in the bathroom this morning. I don’t even want to think how these little guys get into this high-rise building. We start our day with a delightful breakfast sitting outside on the roof where the breakfast buffet was served. Fried eggs, mystery meat aka bacon, sausage aka little hot dogs, Phad Thai, lettuce, cucumber slices, watermelon, pineapple, cereal, toast, fresh juices, coffee, and tea are included in the breakfast buffet. A relaxing breakfast before we start our workday. Well, not actually a workday but we need to mail a box back to the States. So, it’s sightseeing with a purpose. Andy lugs the box filled with his extra clothes from his earlier travels and our souvenirs from Chatuchak market to the river taxi, to the Metro and several blocks walking we’re finally at the post office. After several lines and filling out several forms for 1900 Baht ($61.00) the box is on its way to Seattle. It was hard work and not how we wanted to spend a precious vacation day but it’s a relief to have it gone. I’m hot and sweaty but it doesn’t seem as bad this time. Maybe being in this kind of heat before I know what to expect; sweat coming out of every pore of your body, it’s not completely awful.

We decide our workday would be a down day with not much sightseeing. We did so much sightseeing in Bangkok last time that we’re going to go to one of those fancy, ten-story malls. We have lunch at the food court. Like most malls, we have our fancy restaurants scattered here and there and a food court for cheaper food. Same here, but the food court is on the top floor. There are plenty of options except for “zero-star” people like me. I find roasted duck and rice; surely this will not be spicy. Andy had soup with a pink syrup in it and (Guay Tiew Naam) wide rice noodles. He said it wasn’t that bad tasting but the noodles turned the color, pink and that was “disturbing”. During lunch, we decided to go to the movie theater that was on the sixth floor. We get our reserve seats to watch The Proposal with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. No need to go in early since our seats are assigned. What we didn’t know was that our 2:10 pm movie wouldn’t start until 2:45 pm because of the trailers and the story of the Bhumibol Adulyadej, the beloved King of Thailand. As soon as the video starts about him everyone stands up, including us and at the end calls out “Long live the King”. Now the movie may begin. It was a delightful, fun movie that transports you to a lovely location with a reasonable plot. Just the right amount of fluff for the day to get us ready for the long way back to Khaosan Road.

The sky train and river taxi got us home. We had dinner at one of the street vendors; Phad Thai for me and red curry for Andy, 30 Bhat (90 cents) each. We got tickets for a bus ride to Siem Reap, Cambodia that leave tomorrow morning at 6:50 am. We close out the night with a swim in the rooftop pool.