Tom Yam Seafood Soup Recipe

Tom Yam Seafood Soup from Ao Nang Thai Cookery School


100 g Seafood, 3 large prawns, deveined

1 Lemon grass, slice on angle

3 cm Galanga, similar to ginger and turmeric

2 Kaffir lime leaves, tear out center stem

1 Shallot peel and smash

1 Chili, small, slice longwise 1=mild, 2=medium, 3/5=spicy

3 Straw mushrooms, cut in pieces

Tomato, ½ cut into four long slices

1 Spring onion, cut into 1” pieces

2 Coriander, cut into 1” pieces

1 TBS Lime juice

½ TBS sugar

1 TBS Fish sauce

1 TBS chicken soup stock


In a small sauce pan add 3 ½ ladles of water. Add chicken stock. Add mushrooms, chilis, lime leaves, and shallot. Stir. Add 1 TBS lime juice and fish oil. Boil for three minutes. Add shrimp. Put in bowl, top with tomatoes, onion and coriander.

Han Christian Anderson said, "To travel is to live." I know I did a lot of living before I started traveling but traveling is thrilling. I learned more about myself, it opened my eyes and heart that staying at home couldn't do. I'm stronger, more aware and more grateful for the life I have. ~ "The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever." Psalm 121:8

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