The Children

“If you come to DO, you will miss so much and feel overwhelmed and generally ineffective. You are not coming to DO but to love and to see what God is doing. You are coming to remind people that God and you love them so much, that you were brought from Seattle to give them a hug, a smile, a small gift, or a message of Christ!  You are coming to be hosted by volunteers, pastors, and caregivers who want to share their joy and the pride they have in their church or home.” T Stover – OVC (Orphans and Vulnerable Children) Program Manager This was an ever-present reminder of our mission and we are thankful.

We brought many supplies from Seattle to have the children play with, be creative, and have a blast.

All sticky paper is fun. Love those head accessories
All sticky paper is fun. Love those head accessories

“Remember always, a child will teach you if you allow her to and an old man (muzee) will also share with you great wisdom if you can get past his simple way of doing things. Please come with a heart to learn, first from God but knowing full well He will use the children, the pastors, the mamas, to teach you but ONLY if you come with an open heart, and mind.” T. Stover We came with open hearts and minds for a life-changing experience.

Having volunteers like us gives World Concern the opportunity to serve the larger community. So, instead of the staff visiting individuals, they came to us. This gives us the chance to feed the kids and adults. Breakfast in the morning is porridge. This massive pot is put over a wood fire and is cooked to perfection. I was fascinated with the heat of the fire, as it never burned the breakfast cereal. After teaching, games, and crafts we fed everyone rice, cabbage salad, and goat. I observed the same fascination with breakfast, the rice was cooked to perfection. Not one grain was burnt. Amazing!  

Two pots of porridge cooking
Getting water
Gutting the freshly killed goat for lunch
All natural drying rack
Han Christian Anderson said, "To travel is to live." I know I did a lot of living before I started traveling but traveling is thrilling. I learned more about myself, it opened my eyes and heart that staying at home couldn't do. I'm stronger, more aware and more grateful for the life I have. ~ "The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever." Psalm 121:8

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