Our First Day in Nairobi, Kenya

Java House, Nairobi, Kenya. A delightful afternoon to start to recover from jet lag, connect with Diane and unwind.

We safely arrived in Nairobi along with our luggage and drove thirty-minutes to Grace Guesthouse Resort. This is where we would spend our first night in Kenya. We figured out our room arrangements and said good-night after a lengthy 20-hour flight to this continent.  Each bed was surrounded by mosquito netting and my bed was very comfy. My first sleep in Nairobi was delightful. Fortunately, we had a late start this morning which was much appreciated by the team. We ate breakfast at the guesthouse before heading out to meet with one of our World Concern partners.

Breakfast at the Grace Guesthouse Resort
Yaya Center Sunday Market

The weather in Nairobi in January is in the upper 70’s. Perfect. Beautiful foliage with many flowering shrubs and trees in bloom. It is lovely to be here, meet the people I have heard so much about, take in the sights, sounds, and fragrance of the blossoms.  After talking with Diane Bricker, Africa Area Director for World Concern at lunch we got a clearer picture of the work World Concern does in Kenya and how part of the region is serviced. Later today we will leave Nairobi for the field but not before we do some shopping. Since this is the only time we will be able to shop during our two weeks in Kenya we take in as many shops in the Yaya Center Mall and at the Yaya Center Sunday Market as we can. The market outside the mall filled with local merchants and wares. Very fun and stressful. How to barter. Do you barter? What booth has the best price for the best wooden giraffe? All in all, a charming afternoon. Topped off with dinner and meeting more friends and staff at Diane’s home.

Marta's children
Marta’s children
Socializing at Diane's home with Diane and Marta
Socializing at Diane’s home with Diane and Marta Bennett

James and Sophie Sukuda
James and Sophie Sukuda
Gideon and his family
Gideon and his family
Team Kenya from University Presbyterian Church
Team Kenya from University Presbyterian Church

Han Christian Anderson said, "To travel is to live." I know I did a lot of living before I started traveling but traveling is thrilling. I learned more about myself, it opened my eyes and heart that staying at home couldn't do. I'm stronger, more aware and more grateful for the life I have. ~ "The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever." Psalm 121:8

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