On My Way to Malindi, Kenya

Turtle Bay Beach Resort in Malindi, Kenya on the Indian Ocean
Turtle Bay Beach Resort in Malindi, Kenya on the Indian Ocean

When the University Presbyterian Church team was arriving in Seattle, Esther and I were on our way to Malindi, Kenya. We thought since we were traveling so far to get to Kenya why not stay a week longer. With some help from our new friends at World Concern in Nairobi, we made our way to Turtle Bay Beach Resort in Malindi. The city of Malindi is in southeastern Kenya, on the coast of the Indian Ocean and home to turtles and beautiful fish. Turtle Bay Beach Resort is an all-inclusive hotel and my first experience with any place so luxurious and fun. The sixteen-day mission trip wasn’t over for me as I worked on expenses and reports but the resort experience was beautiful, relaxing, and just what I needed. During the relaxing, swimming, snorkeling, eating, very little sightseeing, and time with Esther I was able to think and start processing: the World Concern journey, people, experiences, adventures, and changes in my life and beliefs.

The plane from Nairobi to Malindi, Kenya
The plane from Nairobi to Malindi, Kenya
Airport in Malindi, Kenya
Airport in Malindi, Kenya
African Pied Wagtail
Turtle Bay Beach Resort , Malindi, Kenya

Life is meant for good friends and great adventures.

Han Christian Anderson said, "To travel is to live." I know I did a lot of living before I started traveling but traveling is thrilling. I learned more about myself, it opened my eyes and heart that staying at home couldn't do. I'm stronger, more aware and more grateful for the life I have. ~ "The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever." Psalm 121:8

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