Everyone Needs A Down Day

Koh Tao Beach

Everyone traveling needs a down day. A day where nothing is planned and you don’t talk about plans for tomorrow. Today is our down day and I’m so glad it is. I woke up feeling like a Mack truck ran over me. I was up with Nosey, our resident bathroom gecko, twice last night. I’m sure I slept but I don’t remember sleeping because I’m in pain from head to toe. Swimming, snorkeling, and the sunburn on top of it all made for a long, sleepless night. I’m so glad today is for relaxing, with no place to go and no plans to make. Meals at our local restaurant, The Poskaw, napping, playing cards, swimming, and reading filled our much-needed down day. By night time we had a rainstorm. It was a cozy feeling listening to the rain on our tin roof. Good night.

Relaxing in our bungalow hammock at the Mountain Reef Beach Resort, Koh Tao

Han Christian Anderson said, "To travel is to live." I know I did a lot of living before I started traveling but traveling is thrilling. I learned more about myself, it opened my eyes and heart that staying at home couldn't do. I'm stronger, more aware and more grateful for the life I have. ~ "The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever." Psalm 121:8

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