Days of Appreciation

Our team with the Talek church congregation
Our team with the Talek church congregation
Jane and Bethany
Jane and Bethany

Sunday, January 8, 2009, we worshipped in Talek with Pastor William Ole Mainka. One of the things I like about worshipping in other places is that it doesn’t matter if you know the language or not, there is a sense of belonging.  The service was very different from the service at University Presbyterian Church: the morning was much longer, way more music with swaying and dancing, longer sermon but the time was engaging, the people were friendly, the worship was heartfelt and God was praised. It was a wonderful time to praise God, be with our new friends, and meet their families and loved ones.

Our work in Talek is coming to an end. We will be hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Day.  Not for us but for the local volunteers that have been working with World Concern. For eight months these volunteers have been part of a course. Their training was to learn how to support, care, and love children affected by HIV/AIDS within the Narok District. They are part of a team that will work within their community and everyone is so proud of their dedication and hard work to complete the course.

Presenting the award to a local volunteer
Presenting the award to a local volunteer
Karen presenting the award to a local volunteer
Karen presenting the award to a local volunteer
Ginger presenting the award to a local volunteer
Ginger presenting the award to a local volunteer
Surprise! Not only did the local volunteers receive an award but each of us received a handmade neckless.
Surprise! Not only did the local volunteers receive an award but each of us received a handmade neckless.

Han Christian Anderson said, "To travel is to live." I know I did a lot of living before I started traveling but traveling is thrilling. I learned more about myself, it opened my eyes and heart that staying at home couldn't do. I'm stronger, more aware and more grateful for the life I have. ~ "The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever." Psalm 121:8

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