Category: Cambodia

  • Fried Spring Rolls ~ Chaio Yor

    Ingredients 2 cups Taro Root, shredded 2 cups carrot, shredded 25 spring roll sheets, rice paper 1 TBS peanuts 1 egg, beaten 3 cups cooking oil Salt, pepper, sugar, to taste Preparation Put the shredded taro root in a large mixing bowl and add some salt. Use your palms to squeeze out all liquid. After that mix the taro with carrot and add the...

  • The Inner Circle, Siem Reap

    The Winter Guesthouse, where we are staying has a restaurant which is so convenient because we can eat breakfast here. Sometimes, it’s just nice not to hunt for a place to eat.  This morning for breakfast I had a scoop of white rice topped with a chicken, onion, and carrot mixture. Andy had a spicy chicken dish. A great way to start off our...

  • D & D Inn, Bangkok, Thailand

    Travel Day to Siem Reap, Cambodia

    Early this morning we leave Bangkok to take a bus to Siem Reap, Cambodia. The alarm is set for 6:00 am but I’m up at 4:45 and decide to use this time to use the D and D Inn 24-hour internet service. I should have plenty of time to get a chatty email or two out to family and friends. It’s such a great...