Category: Kenya

  • A New Addition in Talek, Kenya

    A New Addition Near Talek, Kenya

    The next two days in Talek we built a room addition. The addition was a ten-by-ten foot room constructed with wood and aluminum siding for the walls and roof. The additional space is much needed as a family of six lives in a home the same size as this new room. The World Concern staff identified this family to receive this room addition because...

  • Lekanka School, Kenya

    Talek, Kenya

    To go on a mission trip like this we all had to make sacrifices. We would be leaving family, employer, or school, as well as the additional expenses and the time commitment of being here. Our World Concern partner knows that so each day is jam-packed with experiences, people, and adventure. Today is no different. We had an early start to visit the World...

  • The Great Rift Valley

    Nairobi to Narok, Kenya

    We packed our luggage, souvenirs, and gifts to drive to the World Concern offices in Nairobi. We would tour the facility, meet staff members, and have an orientation meeting before leaving that afternoon for Narok. Fortunately, our souvenirs and gifts will be stored in the offices. They will be safe and sound and we will have a more comfortable trip to Narok. Narok is...

  • Yaya Center Sunday Market

    Our First Day in Nairobi, Kenya

    We safely arrived in Nairobi along with our luggage and drove thirty-minutes to Grace Guesthouse Resort. This is where we would spend our first night in Kenya. We figured out our room arrangements and said good-night after a lengthy 20-hour flight to this continent.  Each bed was surrounded by mosquito netting and my bed was very comfy. My first sleep in Nairobi was delightful....

  • Mbungati Tree, aka Sausage Tree, Kenya

    Traveling to Kenya, Africa

    University Presbyterian Church sent a team to Kenya, Africa. This was my first time in Africa and it was an amazing experience of meeting and being with inspiring men, women and children, beautiful landscapes and cities, and seeing magnificent animals. Our team of eight members began meeting in December to learn about each other, our mission, and how to successfully work together. Our inter-generational...