A New Addition Near Talek, Kenya

The new addition, Talek
The new addition, Talek

The next two days in Talek we built a room addition. The addition was a ten-by-ten foot room constructed with wood and aluminum siding for the walls and roof. The additional space is much needed as a family of six lives in a home the same size as this new room.

A row of houses in Talek, Kenya
A row of houses in Talek, Kenya

The World Concern staff identified this family to receive this room addition because of his circumstances and references. He is a widowed father of three children. He lives next door to this new room with his mother and brother along with his three children. This added room will be for his daughter and the youngest son.

The first night in her new room.
The first night in her new room.

With the new structure abutting against the existing structure we had the stability we needed to build the new addition. We dug holes to sink the corner posts and ran unto a nest of Solenosis Ants, commonly known as Fire Ants. They are nasty. I wasn’t bitten this time but I have been several times before. They not only hurt from their sting but you often don’t know they are climbing on you until it’s too late. When you finally feel one, you want to scratch at it or brush it off. That’s when you find out the one is not alone. Your reaction causes them to sting and the nasty experience continues. Their sting causes a burning sensation, hence why they are known as “fire” ants. The sting burns, hurts, and leaves a welt. Poor Stuart had to take off his pants as there were many ants climbing inside the legs of his clothes.

The kids are coming home from school. Talek, Kenya
The kids are coming home from school. Talek, Kenya

After two days of building, and cleaning out the existing room. We were finished. World Concern presented new bedding and everyone was very happy especially the new occupants. Now the hope is that the father will not rent the room and life goes back to the original living situation. Some times that happens.

Becky, Esther and Allie
Becky, Esther and Allie

Ginger and Karen
Ginger and Karen
Talek, Kenya
Talek, Kenya
Han Christian Anderson said, "To travel is to live." I know I did a lot of living before I started traveling but traveling is thrilling. I learned more about myself, it opened my eyes and heart that staying at home couldn't do. I'm stronger, more aware and more grateful for the life I have. ~ "The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever." Psalm 121:8

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