Talek, Kenya

This building in Narok, Kenya houses the offices of World Concern
This building in Narok, Kenya houses the offices of World Concern

To go on a mission trip like this we all had to make sacrifices. We would be leaving family, employer, or school, as well as the additional expenses and the time commitment of being here. Our World Concern partner knows that so each day is jam-packed with experiences, people, and adventure. Today is no different. We had an early start to visit the World Concern office in Narok, travel to Talek, visit Lekanka and Narusan school, go to a recently drilled water well site, and finally settle into our cabins for the night.

On our way to Talek we have to navigate across this river. It wasn't there the other day.
On our way to Talek we have to navigate across this river. It wasn’t there the other day.
On our way to Talek
On our way to Talek
Lekanka School with classrooms for first through sixth grade
Lekanka School with classrooms for first through sixth grade
Playground was built last year by a team from University Presbyterian Church, Seattle
Playground was built last year by a team from University Presbyterian Church, Seattle
Playground at Lekanka School, Kenya
Playground at Lekanka School, Kenya
Children from Lekanka School, Kenya
Children from Lekanka School, Kenya

We drive to see two wells established by World Concern. The water from the first drilled well had a fluoride level too high for human consumption but water is never wasted. A concrete trough was constructed for domestic and wild animals to use. This well is powered by a windmill.

A second well was drilled nearby and the water was deemed safe for human consumption. People can pump water at any time of day or night to drink. To see these wells and the windmill brought tears to my eyes. It was so overwhelming to see water in the middle of nowhere. Knowing that lives are changed and made better because water was found underground, forced up, and now accessible. Amazing.

World Concern well for domestic and wild animals. Kenya
This windmill powers a well, Kenya
This windmill powers a well, Kenya
Domestic and wild animal fresh water trough, Kenya
Domestic and wild animal fresh water trough, Kenya

Students from Narusan School, Kenya
Narusan School, Kenya
Narusan School, Kenya
This new library was built by staff and volunteers of World Concern
This new library was built by staff and volunteers of World Concern
Library book shelves
Library book shelves
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) article  posted in classrooms. In 2011 Kenya pass a law that prohibits FGM.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) article posted in classrooms. In 2011 Kenya pass a law that prohibits FGM.

Almost half of the children in Narusan school have World Concern sponsors. Sponsorship helps the whole school not just the student.

Children walk miles to go to school and must be careful of attacking elephants and buffaloes. When was the last time you called out to your child, “Watch out for the elephants!”

Students at Narusan School, Kenya
Students at Narusan School, Kenya
Han Christian Anderson said, "To travel is to live." I know I did a lot of living before I started traveling but traveling is thrilling. I learned more about myself, it opened my eyes and heart that staying at home couldn't do. I'm stronger, more aware and more grateful for the life I have. ~ "The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever." Psalm 121:8

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