Nairobi to Narok, Kenya

We packed our luggage, souvenirs, and gifts to drive to the World Concern offices in Nairobi. We would tour the facility, meet staff members, and have an orientation meeting before leaving that afternoon for Narok. Fortunately, our souvenirs and gifts will be stored in the offices. They will be safe and sound and we will have a more comfortable trip to Narok.

Pack 'er up!
Pack ‘er up!
Fortunately, our trip wasn't very long. Grace Guesthouse Resort to the World Concern office in Nairobi.
Fortunately, our trip wasn’t very long. Grace Guesthouse Resort to the World Concern office in Nairobi.
World Concern Offices in Nairobi, Kenya
World Concern Offices in Nairobi, Kenya
World Concern office in Nairobi
Bethany at the World Concern Offices in Nairobi, Kenya
Bethany at the World Concern Office in Nairobi, Kenya
Packed and ready to go!
Packed and ready to go!

Narok is a town that is a three-hour drive, west of Nairobi. The people of Narok are mostly Maasai and the population is around 35,000. It is and will be our last major town when traveling toward the Maasai Mara National Park. We hit traffic leaving Nairobi.

Traffic in Nairobi, Kenya
Traffic in Nairobi, Kenya

Traffic in Nairobi, Kenya
Traffic in Nairobi, Kenya
On our way to Narok, Kenya
On our way to Narok, Kenya

About sixty-minutes into our drive we are standing at the Great Rift Valley View Point. It is a spectacular view looking down into this seemingly endless, open valley. We are overlooking the Eastern or Gregory Rift that runs north and south from Tanzania through Kenya into Ethiopia. It is one of two rifts that run east and west of Lake Victoria. As we drive down into the vast openness of the valley our road becomes a succession of one pothole into another. The next ninety-minutes was quite the roller coaster of a drive.

The Great Rift Valley View Point
The Great Rift Valley View Point
View from the Great Rift Valley View Point
View from the Great Rift Valley View Point

This part of the valley has mostly small shrubs growing all along with a tree or two insight. We see some unnamed animals in the distance. It doesn’t matter, I’m in Kenya.

The Great Rift Valley
The Great Rift Valley
The Great Rift Valley
The Great Rift Valley

Tonight, we’re lodging at Africa Hope Centre. Nestled in the trees and gardens is the conference center and guest house. We’re the only ones here right now but you can tell this must be a popular place for conferences, weddings, and meetings. It’s a beautiful, peaceful location.

Africa Hope Centre
Africa Hope Centre
Africa Hope Center
Africa Hope Centre
Time to journal and rest at the Africa Hope Center
Time to journal and rest at the Africa Hope Centre
Dinner at Africa Hope Center
Dinner at Africa Hope Centre
I taught our new team mates the game of Spoons. Dang, they were good at it!
I taught our new team mates the game of Spoons. Dang, they were good at it!

Han Christian Anderson said, "To travel is to live." I know I did a lot of living before I started traveling but traveling is thrilling. I learned more about myself, it opened my eyes and heart that staying at home couldn't do. I'm stronger, more aware and more grateful for the life I have. ~ "The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever." Psalm 121:8

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